29 Ağustos 2008 Cuma

Suudi Arabistan

Suudi Arabistan, Islam'in kutsal beldelerini ve dogus topraklarini yönetimi altinda tutan bir devlet oldugundan bütün dünya Müslümanlarinin gündeminde olan bir devlettir. Hacc ve umre için bu devletin vizesine ihtiyaç duyulmasi sebebiyle bu ibadetlerini yerine getirmek isteyenlerin zorunlu olarak bu devletle bir irtibatlari da oluyor. Dünyaya "seriatla yönetilen ülke" olarak lanse edildiginden dolayi da sik sik tartismalara konu olmaktadir. Bütün bu özellikleri dolayisiyla bu sayimizda da "Islam Cografyasi" bölümünde Suudi Arabistan'i tanitiyoruz.

Resmi din Islâm'dir ve halkin % 99'u Müslümandir. Müslümanlarin çogu sünni ve büyük çogunlugu Hanbelidir. Az sayida da Sii vardir. Müslümanlarin disinda az sayida hiristiyan ve Dogu dinleri mensubu mevcuttur.

Cografi durumu:
Ortadogu ülkelerinden sayilan ve Arap Yarimadasi'nin büyük bir kismini kaplayan Suudi Arabistan kuzeyden Ürdün ve Irak, kuzeydogudan Kuveyt, dogudan Basra Körfezi, Katar ve Birlesik Arap Emirlikleri, güneydogudan Umman, güneyden Yemen, batidan Kizildeniz'le çevrilidir. Topraklarinin % 1'i tarim alani, % 39'u otlak, kalani çöl ve kumsaldir. Suudi Arabistan'a sicak ve kurak bir iklim hâkimdir.Yönetim sekli: Suudi Arabistan krallik rejimiyle yönetilmektedir. Kral oldukça genis yetkilere sahiptir. Yasama yetkisi de kralin elindedir. Anayasaya göre ülkede uygulanacak yasalarin seriata dayanmasi gerekir. Ancak pratikte bu konuda birçok pürüz mevcuttur. Anayasayi degistirme yetkisi kralin elindedir. Kral 1993'te 60 üyeli bir Danisma Meclisi olusturdu ve üyelerinin tamamini bizzat kendisi belirledi. Ancak bu meclisin yetkileri oldukça sinirlidir ve sadece kral istedigi zaman toplanmaktadir. Seriatin normalde bütün herkese karsi islemesi gerekirken Suudi Arabistan'da "siyade" denilen ve kralla onun çevresindeki kisilerin olusturdugu sinifin yargi dokunulmazligi vardir. Yönetim kadrosunu olusturanlarin büyük bir çogunlugu Suud ailesine mensuptur. Kendilerine "emir" denilen idari bölge yöneticilerinin tamami Suud ailesine mensuptur. Bütün üst kademe yöneticileri kral tarafindan tayin edilir. Onlar da kendi emirlerinde çalisacak kisileri tayin ederler. Dernek yöneticilerine varincaya kadar bütün yetkili kisiler tayinle belirlenir, hiçbir yerde seçim yoluna gidilmez. Yardim kuruluslari ve dernekleri kurma ve kurdurma yetkisi sadece devletin elindedir. Her ne amaçla olursa olsun toplanti ve tören için özel izin gerekir. Suudi Arabistan, BM, IKÖ (Islâm Konferansi Örgütü), Arap Birligi, Körfez Isbirligi Konseyi, OPEC (Petrol Ihraç Eden Ülkeler Teskilati), IMF (Uluslararasi Para Fonu), Islâm Kalkinma Bankasi gibi uluslararasi örgütlere üyedir.

Suudi Arabistan ekonomisi birinci derecede petrole dayanir. OPEC ülkeleri arasinda 1993'te gerçeklestirilen anlasmadan sonraki günlük petrol üretiminin 8 milyon varil olmasi kararlastirilmistir. Bu miktarla OPEC ülkeleri arasinda birinci sirayi almistir. Bu miktar OPEC ülkelerinin 24 milyon 520 bin varil olan günlük toplam petrol üretiminin üçte birine yakindir. Yilda ortalama 33 milyar m3 miktarinda da dogal gaz üretmektedir. Petrol ve dogal gazdan elde edilen gelirin gayri safi yurtiçi hasiladaki payi % 35'tir. Suudi Arabistan hacdan da önemli miktarda gelir saglamaktadir. Suud yönetimi hacilardan ayakbasti parasi, özel hizmet parasi gibi çesitli vergiler almaktadir. Tarim son yillarda petrolden elde edilen gelirlerle nispeten gelistirilmistir. En çok üretilen tarim ürünlerinin basinda tahil ve çesitli sebzeler gelir. Son yillarda seraciligin yayginlastirilmasina çalisilmaktadir. Basta hurma ve üzüm olmak üzere bazi meyveler de yetistirilmektedir. Tarim ve hayvanciliktan elde edilen gelirin milli gelir içindeki payi % 6'dir.

Para birimi: Suudi Arabistan Riyali


Moldova Cumhuriyeti, Ukrayna ile Romanya arasında kalan bir ülke. Başkenti Kişinev'dir. İçinden Prut ve Dniester nehirleri geçer. Moldovya, Karadenizin kuzeybatısında olup, kuzeyinde, doğusunda ve güneyinde Ukrayna, batısında da Romanya ile çevrili bir ülkedir. Moldovya'nın bir talihsizliği vardır; güneyinde Ukrayna ile dar bir koridorla çevrilmiş ve denizle ilişkisi kesilmiştir. Moldavya tarım, gıda sanayi, bunun yanında geniş üzüm bağları ve şarapçılığı ile ünlenen bir ülke. Bugün Kişinev ve çevresindeki fabrikalarda üretilen şarap ve kanyaklar, uluslararası piyasada Moldova'nın sembolü durumunda. Capriana ve Rudi bölgesindeki manastırlar, sanat yapıları ve tarihi eserler ile Orcheiul Vechi tarihi kasabasının özellikleri ile turistik potansiyele sahip fakat özellikle de bu yörelerde konaklama tesislerine ihtiyaç duyan bir ülkedir Moldovya. Doğu Avrupa'da yer alan Moldova'nın denize kıyısı yoktur. Toplam 1.389 km olan kara sınırının; 450 km'si Romanya ve 939 km'side Ukrayna iledir. Toplam 33.843 km² alan kaplayan ülke arazisinin 472 km² si göller oluştururken, 33.371 km² si kara yüzeyidir. Ülkenin en alçak yeri 2 m ile Dinyester Nehri kıyıları iken, en yüksek yeri 430m ile Dealul Balanesti Tepesidir.
Çevresinde büyük ve gelişkin üzüm bağları bulunan şehirde, bir Büyük Katedral'in yanısıra, bazı kiliseler yer almaktadır. Kişinev Sanat sokağı gezinti ve hediyelik eşya satın alınacak güzel yerlerden biri. Gezilecek yerler arasında; Kişinev'de Özgürlük meydanı ,Yazarlar Parkı ,Parlamento Binası ve Başbakanlık Sarayı ,Üniversiteler Bölgesi ,Şehir kilisesi ,Etnografi müzesi, Büyük Stephen Anıtı ve parkı, The Alley of Classics Parkı ve Pushkin Anıtı vardır.

18 Ağustos 2008 Pazartesi


Doğanın tadını çıkarırken aynı zamanda yeteneklerinizi de sınamak ister misiniz? O zaman rafting tam size göre. Bazen nehrin sakin akışında daracık ve gökyüzünü bile zor görebildiğiniz dik ve nefes kesici kanyonlardan geçiyorsunuz, bazen de köpükler ve dalgalar içinde nehrin gerçek gücünü hissedebiliyorsunuz. Kimi zaman insan eli bile değmemiş bir sessizlikte
sadece doğanın ve kendinizin sesini dinliyor, kimi zaman da köylerden geçerek yerli halka, nehir balıkçılarına, çocuklara el sallıyorsunuz. Bazen de dayanamayıp o billur gibi sulara kendinizi bırakıyor ve vücudunuzu saran buz gibi suyla dinçleşiyorsunuz. İnanılmaz bir tecrübe, inanılmaz bir yer!
Köprülü Nehri, Türkiye' nin güneyinde Toros Dağları' ndan akıyor. Bu eşsiz yerde suyun sıcaklığının devamlı 13-16 derecede olması 12 ay boyunca nehir sporlarına olanak sağlıyor. Ayrıca Antalya havalimanına 80 km uzaklıkta, tam nehrin kenarında bulunan, hem Türk, hem de uluslararası konuklar için çok keyifli bir konaklama imkanı sağlıyor. Köprülü Nehri' ndeki 13 km lik rafting güzergahı hem kolay ve keyifli, hem de heyecanlı rapidler içeriyor. (zorluk derecesi 2) Tüm aileler ve ekip ruhunu geliştirmek isteyen kurumlar için ideal bir parkur.


Hollywood'dan SevgilerHollywood, (okunuşu → Holivud) Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin Kaliforniya eyaletinde bulunan Los Angeles kentinin bir bölgesidir. Kent merkezinin kuzeybatısında yer alır. Sinema stüdyolarının ve film yıldızlarının oturduğu evlerin bu bölgede yoğunlaşmasından dolayı Hollywood Amerikan sinema endüstrisiyle özdeşleşmiştir.ABD'de yapılan ilk filmler New York kenti civarında çekilmişti. 1900 yıllarına doğru Kaliforniya'da ilk filmler yapılmaya başlandı. Kaliforniya'nın tercih nedeni daha güzel bir havaya ve açık alanlara sahip olmasıydı. Ayrıca bir diğer nedeni de ünlü buluşçu Thomas Edison'a sinema konusundaki patentlerinden dolayı ödeme yapmaktan kaçınmaktı. Thomas Edison sinema dalındaki birçok patent haklarını elinde bulunduruyordu. New York bölgesinde Edison'un avukatlarına ödeme yapmamak mümkün değildi. Kaliforniya'da Edison'un avukatlarının etkisi azdı ve gerekirse Hollywood'un Meksika sınırına yakınlığından dolayı polisten kaçarak Meksika'da saklanmak mümkündü.

Kanarya Adaları

Eski çağ'da Hesperides, Roma döneminde Fortunatae adlarıyla anılan adalar 1402'de Jean de Bethencourt tarafından fethedildi. Portekizliler ile İspanyollar arasındaki çekişmelere konu olan ada 1479'da Alçaçova Antlaşması'yla İspanyollara geçti.Buna karşı ayaklanan adanın yerli halkı Guancheler İspanyollarca katledildi. 1902'de Afrika uluslarının desteğinde İspanyollara karşı başlayan ayaklanma da kanlı bir biçimde bastırıldı. 1978'de bağımsızlıkçı hareketler yeniden boy gösterdi.

Kanarya Adaları, Fas'ın batısında İspanya'ya bağlı, Atlas Okyanusu'nda yer alan takımadalar.Afrika kıtasının 100 km batısında yer alır. Nüfusu 1.438.686 (1986), yüzölçümü 7.273 km²'dir.Kanarya Adaları: Büyük Kanarya, Tenerife Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Palma, Gomera ve Hierro olmak üzere başlıca 7 ada ile birkaç küçük adacıktan oluşur. NETTEN

Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti

Çin (Geleneksel Çince: 中國; Basit Çince: 中国; Hanyu Pinyin: Zhōngguó; Tongyong Pinyin: Jhongguó; Wade-Giles (Mandarin): Chung¹kuo²), tarihi bir medeniyet, ortak kültüre sahip bir bölge ve Doğu Asya'da çok uluslu bir oluşum. Çin medeniyeti, yaklaşık 6 bin yıllık tarihi ile dünyanın en eski medeniyetlerindendir. Çin sözcüğü Çince'de, Orta Krallık ya da Merkezi Krallık anlamına gelir.Çin, aynı zamanda dünyanın en eski süreklilik arzeden medeniyetlerindendir. Çince dünyanın en eski sürekli kullanılan yazılı dilidir. İnsanlık tarihinin en önemli buluşlarından kağıt, pusula, barut ve matbaa, Antik Çin medeniyetine aittir.Çin'deki son iç savaşın çıkmaza girmesi, Çin ismini kullanan iki devletin ortaya çıkması ile sonuçlanmıştır: Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti ve Çin Cumhuriyeti.Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti (ÇHC), çoğunlukla sadece Çin olarak anılır ve Doğu Asya'daki anakara Çin topraklarını, Hong Kong ve Macau'yu kapsar. Dünyanın en kalabalık ülkesi ve en büyük ekonomilerinden biridir.


Berlin is back - back as the capital of a reunified Germany and back as one of Europe's greatest - and most vibrant - cities. After WWII, Berlin was a crippled pawn, sandwiched between East and West, with a literal and metaphorical wall deeply dividing the two halves. The northeastern German city even suffered the ignominy of losing its capital status, as the West German government fled to Bonn. Today, the Cold War and the iconic events of November 1989, which saw the Berlin Wall torn to pieces by those whom it had oppressed for so long, are starting to seem like a distant memory and all the talk in Berlin is of the future.In the biggest construction project in Europe since WWII, a new Berlin has emerged from the forest of cranes dotting the no-man's land that was the divided city's dead heart. Potsdamer Platz is the most voluminous project but the most symbolic recent construction is at the Reichstag. British architect Norman Foster has rejuvenated the German parliament with an impressive glass dome that symbolises the new transparency in German politics - that of a nation with nothing to hide, which is attempting to distance itself from the ghosts of its past.Coupled with this wave of recent construction is a city laden with historical charm - from the old streets of East Berlin, which are slowly being restored after remaining unchanged for 50 years, through to the grand architecture of Museumsinsel and Unter den Linden, and the green lung of the Tiergarten Park.Tourism is on the rise, as visitors come to savour the intoxicating mix of old and new. Big business, too, is booming and key industries such as electronics, manufacturing and information technology reflect the dynamism of the German economy.Contrary to the usual cliches about Germany, Berlin is a city with a laid-back attitude and some of the liveliest nightlife in Europe. In Berlin today, there is everything from authentic beer halls and old Soviet era haunts right through to buzzing style bars and Latino nightclubs.Berlin's climate is equally eclectic, with hot summer days giving way to occasionally freezing temperatures during the long grey winter. Today's quintessential Berlin experience is to laze through a summer day in the Tiergarten with the murmur of construction just out of earshot, sipping on a chilled Pilsner beer, while absorbing the rush and hum of one of Europe's finest capitals.


Marmaris is a popular resort town located in the southwest coast of Turkey, South of the province of Mugla, where the Aegean and the Mediterranean Sea meet. Surrounded by Gokova Bay in the North the Mediterranean in the South, Datca in the West and Koycegiz in the East, typical with its long shore-line, Marmaris is a natural harbour. It has become a tourist's paradise with the large number of bays and antique cities in its vicinity, its natural beauty, it's famous Blue-voyage, it's yacht harbour for 800 vessels along with the possibility of engaging in all types of water-sports.
Marmaris is one of Turkey' s premier holiday resorts, built around a sweeping natural bay at the foot of steep pine covered mountain slopes. The old town is a maze of twisting little streets and alleys with whitewashed houses in the Turkish style amid an excellent shopping bazaar. The resort is ideal for water sports, sailing, relaxing in the sun, or strolling along the palm lined "Riviera" style promenade, or why not visit one of the numerous night spot or restaurants of the town.
The old part of town is a residential area around the castle. The old houses, all under preservation order and the narrow streets leading to them are a delight to explore: there are some classic examples of Mugla architecture on display. Marmaris later began to spread out around the castle hill and along the shore, but the growth of tourism resulted in housing being prohibited along the shoreline and planning permission granted only to tourist hotels. Marmaris is a year-round home for many foreigners, a large number of whom have yachts in the modern 700-berth marina. The population rises from 15 000 in winter to around 75 000 in summer due to available hotel accommodation.

14 Ağustos 2008 Perşembe


Built by: Van Lent in 1990 Charter Price: US$294000 per week

The Virginian luxury yacht is well-known for its fabulous design and outstanding technical specifications. At 203 feet, Virginian offers accommodation for 12 guests in six cabins.

The yacht features an array of lavish facilities such as an on-deck Jacuzzi, a mosaic octopus in the master bathroom, a bar, abundant dining space on the sundeck, and, interestingly, a library with built-in bookcases.


The interiors of the super yacht are festooned with russet-toned fabrics with shades of orange and gold, and graceful cherry-wood joinery. Dining room can be changed into a conference room in case of any business meetings. Other facilities include a main saloon, a sauna, separate Turkish bath, satellite TV/DVD/video/stereo throughout the yacht, and Jacuzzi dip pool.

Excellence III

Luxury yacht Excellence III offers two Windsurfers, two kayaks, two 800hp Yamaha Wave runner jet skis, various knee boards, water skis, inflatable toys, snorkeling equipment, rendezvous diving and fishing tackle. The innards of the luxury yacht features a LINN music system, a Plasma screen TV in guests and master cabins, the Sky lounge (convertible to full theatre), a gymnasium, and a steam shower.

Sea Dream

The list of the lavish on-board amenities include ‘open air’ area with spectacular water views, dining salon, new boardroom area, bar cocktails, library with many games, Asian Spa and Wellness Center, beauty salon, 3 steam showers, 2 treatment rooms, and a sauna, separate guest’s ensuite bathroom, and flat screen TV & DVD & CD players throughout the 195 square foot of living area.

8 Ağustos 2008 Cuma

Luxury Yatchs

1. WHITE HEAVEN (Charter/Motor yachts)...ccomodation for 6 guests. Savour the delicious mediterranean cuisine prepared with Italian flair by the yacht's chef . White Havens professional friendly crew are eager to welcome you on board. ...2. French Riviera, Corsica and Sardinia : 10-Day Cruise (Destinations/Itineraries)The true birth-place of private luxury yachting, still remains an irresistible area to plan your ideal cruise. Incorporating Monaco, the Côte d’Azur, Corsica, Sardinia and its satellite i3. Classic Greece : 8-Day Cruise (Destinations/Itineraries)Explore the Greek Islands aboard your yacht. Reward yourself as you experience the natural beauty of Greek Island beaches bordered by sparkling crystal clear Mediterranean waters in a world full of a4. AVELLA (Charter/Motor yachts)... Under recent new ownership, this immaculate 33.5m Azimut goes from strength to strength. The yacht provides very spacious accommodation for 8 guests in a master stateroom on the main deck;...5. DJANGO-TOO (Charter/Sailing Yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...6. HAIDA G (ex ROSENKAVALIER) (Charter/Motor yachts)...Various water toys TV and Hi-Fi throughout Very few yachts instill such emotive feelings as seeing the stunning 71m "HAIDA G" enter port....7. NO LIMIT (Charter/Motor yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...8. SEDATION II (Charter/Motor yachts)...TBC) Full scuba diving equipment and compressor (spec TBC) Outdoor cinema (spec TBC) This brand new yacht from the world acclaimed Heesen Shipyard is at the pinnacle of performance and design inn...9. SQUEAK (Charter/Motor yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...10. PARSIFAL III (Charter/Sailing Yachts)... complemented by natural textures and textiles that give this ultra modern yacht a warm, inviting and restful feeling. ...11. PERSEUS (Charter/Motor yachts)... In the world of motor yachting, the Falcon 100 class is deservedly a byword for stylistic and technical excellence. ...12. PANDORA (Charter/Motor yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...13. O'RION (Charter/Motor yachts)...) Generators: 2 x deutz 95 kW plus 1 Iveco 25 kW Electricity: 220V Ac - 24 VDC Classification: ABS A2 Yachting Service Number of guests: 12 Number of crew: 8 ...14. O'PTASIA (Charter/Motor yachts)...nslated in Greek as "vision". The Owners intentionally selected this name as they wanted the yacht to have a name that would reflect its elegance and luxury. The O'PTASIA will feature ...15. O'PARI (Charter/Motor yachts)...U Generators: 2 X 30 kW ONAN plus 1 x 20 kW ONAN Electricity: 220 V AC - 24 V Dc Classification BS A2 Yachting Service Number of guests: 12 Number of crew: 12 ...16. O'MEGA (Charter/Motor yachts)... The 83 meter Motor Yacht O'MEGA, fit to accommodate and entertain up to 32 guests in 1 Master, 1 Upper VIP, 4 ...17. O'CEANOS (Charter/Motor yachts)... The fabulous motor yacht O' Ceanos, 49 meters of excellence in engineering and design fitted with Italy's ...18. NEW CENTURY (Charter/Motor yachts)...A large Jacuzzi on top/sundeck with bar and dining facilities together with assorted toys is the perfect yacht for entertaining and outdoor activities. Accommodation for 10 guests in a large maste...19. MALTESE FALCON (Charter/Sailing Yachts)... to experience the Maltese Falcon under sail. The 88 meter clipper Maltese Falcon is the largest sailing yacht in the world and in a breeze her immense DynaRig powers her to record shattering speeds. ...20. LADY LAUREN (Charter/Sailing Yachts)...responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information and/or images displayed. Yacht inventory, specifications and charter prices are subject to change without prior notice. ...21. CHRISTINA O (Charter/Motor yachts)...one would expect in any five star hotel today. Following her refit she is one of the very few ex-private yachts that is now legally capable of international cruising with up to 36 passengers. Corporat...22. STARFIRE (Charter/Motor yachts)...agination ignite aboard Starfire ... She stands as the benchmark for comparison in the international yachting industry, a luminous example of the perfect harmony of design and technology. Its lush...23. TURAMA (Charter/Motor yachts)...guests, the MV TURAMA is especially equipped to make the most special occasion even more memorable. This yacht is uniquely designed for private cruising and is the ideal venue for special corporate ev...24. ARKTOS (Charter/Motor yachts)...ooden schooner made of teak and iroko and is one of the finest designs of Greek craftsmanship. The yacht consesist of large staterooms and the interior is very nicely decorated with fine furnish...25. ARKTOS (Charter/Sailing Yachts)...ooden schooner made of teak and iroko and is one of the finest designs of Greek craftsmanship. The yacht consesist of large staterooms and the interior is very nicely decorated with fine furnish...26. CARMEN FONTANA (Charter/Motor yachts)...rculation Internal communication and International calls access (via Satellite or Mobile) throughout the yacht Internet access available from the master study room Satellite TV, DVD player, stereo sys...27. ALEXANDER (Charter/Motor yachts)...es, the Alexander's luxurious atmosphere achieves its tradition as a truly exclusive ocean-going megayacht. Whilst the vessel has guest accommodation for up to 84 persons, due to the configuration...28. CARMEN SERENA (Charter/Motor yachts)...ion •Internal communication and International calls access (via Satellite or Mobile) throughout the yacht •Internet access available from the master study room •Satellite TV, DVD playe...29. ABILITY (Charter/Motor yachts)...illar 3512B Jacuzzi Turkish Bath * AUDIO/VISUAL * State of the art A-V systems throughout the yacht ACCOMMODATION WATER SPORTS Master suite (which has own private seaview terr...30. ALEXANDRA (Charter/Motor yachts)...wide window openings of M/Y ALEXANDRA are typical of the Benetti style and the interior is a true custom yacht achievement with the signatures of Terence Disdale for design and Alan Jones

5 Ağustos 2008 Salı


IntroductionThe United Arab Emirates was established in 1971 as a federation of seven emirates, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah, Ajman, Umm al-Qaiwain and Fujairah. The rulers comprise the Federal Supreme Council, FSC, which elects the country's President and Vice President at five-yearly intervals from amongst its members. HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, Ruler of Abu Dhabi, has been President since 1971, and HH Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai, has been Vice President (also concurrently Prime Minister) since 1990. The Council of Ministers is chosen by the Prime Minister in consultation with the President, and is the executive arm of Government. The Federal National Council, or parliament, has 40 members, drawn from each of the emirates, and has a legislative and supervisory role and can amend proposed federal legislation. The judicial structure is headed by the Federal Supreme Court. There are also local governments in each of the emirates, while each major urban centre has a Municipality for local affairs. The traditional 'majlis' system of open discussion between the tribal leaders and their people has evolved into an important, although informal, part of the UAE's governing system. Few nations on earth have experienced more complete and far-reaching change over the past few decades than the United Arab Emirates. Today a land of six-lane highways and glittering streams of motorcars, where space-age cities of ivory-white and crystal glass emerge like a mirage from the haze of desert and sea, this federation of seven ancient Emirates - Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras a]-Khaimah, Umm al Qawain, Ajman and Fujairah - is not only the world's fourth largest oil-producer, but also its richest state per head of population, and the new commercial hub of the Middle EastYet only fifty years ago, when oil-exploration started, there was no electricity, no plumbing or telephone system, not a single public hospital nor modern school, no bridges, no deep-water harbor, no metalloid roads, no more than a handful of cars and scarcely a building more impressive than the crumbling mud-brick forts and watchtowers of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, where now high-rise stacks, gilded domes and minarets tower over wide boulevards, where cascades of water are flaunted with conspicuous opulence, and where acres of shrubs burgeon on the desert shore, stood sleepy settlements of reed, coral and mud-brick houses, sweltering on sand spits and islands in the most ferocious summer heat.Life on the Trucial Coast - as it was known until the 1970s - and in its hinterland, was one of considerable hardship. In the towns, fresh water was scarcely available and often had to be drawn by oxen from deep wells, or even brought in barrels from neighboring islands by dhow.Tribesmen would harvest the unreliable winter rains by stretching a sail with a hole in its center between two poles, and in the merciless heat of the Arabian summer would trap the cooling winds by the ingenious use of wind-towers made of sackcloth or cotton. On the sun-blasted terraces of the Hajar Mountains, subsistence farmers eked out a bitter existence, and in the interior the hardy Bedouin scoured the dunes of the great Empty Quarter for pasture. In the hot months, members of these various groups would come together to work as divers in the pearl-yielding oyster beds which flourished in the warm, shallow waters of the Gulf For almost three millennia the economy of this region was bound up with the pearling fleet, culminating in a boom that was only ended by the invention, in the 1920s of the cultured pearl.Despite its harsh climate, civilization has flourished in this region since the earliest times. At Jebel Hafit, near al-Ain, lie the remains of a settlement dating back more than five thousand years; at Hili, not far away, have been found pillbox-shaped tombs of dressed masonry so finely wrought that archaeologists believe they may be connected with the ancient land of Magan, mentioned in ancient Sumerian texts as a land of fabulous wealth, the source of copper, minerals and semi-precious stonesCountryUnited Arab Emirates, federation of seven independent states lying along the east central coast of the Arabian Gulf.The states which include Abu Dhabi (capital of the UAE), Dubai, Al Sharjah, Ras Al Khaimah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain, and Al Fujairah, bounded on the north by the Arabian Gulf, on the east by Sultanate of Oman, and on the west by Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The total area of the UAE is about 83,600 sq. km (with a total of 200 islands) .The area of the U.A.E. excepting the islands is about 77,700 square kilometers and among the G.C.C. states it is the third largest after Saudi Arabia & Oman. United Arab Emirates is a member of the Gulf Co-operation Council (G.C.C.).HistoryOn December 2, 1971, the seven states became independent as the United Arab Emirates. President, His Highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan who is also Ruler of Abu Dhabi has devoted much of his attention in the intervening years to the development of the federation of the United Arab Emirates.Each of the states has its own ruler, together they comprise the highest body of the federal government, the Supreme Council of Rulers. The council elects from its members a president and vice president. The federation is also governed by a prime minister and a 40 member consultative assembly called the Federal National Council.Population & ReligionThe population of the UAE is estimated to be 2.94 million, with a growth rate of around 6.5 per cent a year.This is expected to slow to 2.9 per cent by the year 2005, when the population will number around 3.48 million. UAE citizens account for a little over 20 per cent of the population, with the rest coming from the rest of the Arab world, the Indian sub-continent, the Far East, Europe and elsewhere. The national language is Arabic, although English and several Asian languages are widely used, particularly in commerce. Islam is thg state religion. The main population centres are the cities of Abu Dhabi (the capital) and Dubai.A recent study reveals that the workforce in the UAE has grown from 288,414 in 1975, to 1,378,390 in 1998. The wholesale and retail sector account for the largest proportion of the workforce, followed by the construction sector.The country religion is Islam and official spoken language is Arabic, although English is widely spoken.Climatic ConditionsThe UAE lies in the arid tropical zone extending across Asia and northern Africa, however the Indian Ocean has a strong influence on the climatic conditions in the area, since the country borders both the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. This explains why high temperatures in summer are always accompanied by high humidity along the coast. Noticeable variations in climate occur between the coastal regions, the deserts of the interior and mountainous areas.Between the months of November and March a moderate, warm climate prevails during the day at an average temperature of 26°C, and a slightly cooler climate prevails throughout the night at an average temperature of 15°C. The humidity tends to rise in the summer months, between June and August. Prevailing winds, influenced by the monsoons, vary between south or southeast, to west or north to northwest depending upon the season and location. Average rainfall is low at less than 6.5 centimeters annually and more than half of the average rainfall occurs in December and JanuaryUAE CurrencyDirhams and fils are the units of currency with 100 fils to the Dirham (Dh). The Dirham is tied to the US Dollar at a steady exchange rate of $US 1= Dh 3.671. Banks usually give the best rates on foreign currency exchange but hotels and airports are often quicker and are open outside banking hours. Money changers tend to have a wider range of currencies but their rates may be higher. Exchange rates are published daily.TelephoneTelecommunications throughout the UAE are modern and efficient. International Direct Dialing is available to most countries. Local telephone calls are free. Local and international dialing codes may be obtained by dialing the operator on 181.International areas codes of UAE 00971 + Abu Dhabi 02Dubai 04Al Sharjah 06Ras al Khaimah 07Ajman 06Umm al Quwain 06Al Fujairah 09


Şehir Hakkında BilgiMadrid, İspanya'nın başkenti ve Madrid ilinin yönetim merkezidir. İber Yarımadası'nın orta kesiminde yer alır.Zengin tarihi mirasının yanısıra canlı bir kültür ve sanat merkezi olarak da önem taşır. Gelişmesi ve ülke ekonomisinde ağırlıklı bir rol kazanması yakın tarihe rastlar. Metropolitan alanın yüzölçümü 1020 km² olup nüfusu 3 milyonu aşkındır.Avrupa'nın en yüksek başkentlerinden biri olan Madrid, Orta Plato'nun dalgalı bir platosunda 635 m yükseklikte yer alır. Yüksek konumu ve hava kütlelerinin etkisine açık olması sebebiyle ani sıcaklık değişiklikleri sık görülür. Yaz ayları boğucu olup sıcaklık bazan 38°C'ye kadar ulaşır. Yıllık ortalama sıcaklık 5-24°C arasında değişir.Madrid'in idari hizmetleri, bankacılık ve sigortacılığa dayanan ekonomisine, ulaşım ağının merkezi olması ve turizmden kaynaklanan gelirler de önemli katkıda bulunur. İkinci Dünya Savaşından sonra sanayi gelişmiş, imalat sektörünün de ağırlığı artmıştır. Başlıca sanayi mamulleri arasında, demiryolu gereçleri ve traktör yapımı, dönüştürme metalurjisi, elektrikli gereçler yapımı, besin sanayii, tekstil, kimya, plastik maddeleri işleme, optik eşya, otomobil ve kamyon motoru yer alır.

New York

New York, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin nufus bakımından en büyük kenti. Aynı isimli New York eyaleti'nde yer alır. Dünyaca önemli bir siyaset, ticaret, moda, eğlence ve finans merkezidir. Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Konseyi binası bu kenttedir. Fakir semtlerinde ise çok sayıda işsiz ve evsiz yaşar.8,1 milyon olan kent nüfusu, 800 km²'lik bir alanda yaşamaktadır. Çevre banliyöleriyle birlikte New York metropolitan bölgesi 21 milyonluk nufusa sahiptir ve dünyanın en kalabalık yerleşim bölgelerinden birini oluşturur.New York, bir göçmen kentidir. Kentte yaşayan her üç kişiden biri ABD dışında bir ülke doğumludur, İngilizce çeşitli aksanlarla konuşulur. Kentte İngilizce’nin yanı sıra İspanyolca, Little Italy (Küçük İtalya) semtinde İtalyanca, China Town’da (Çin mahallesi) Çince konuşulur. Kent beş bölüme ayrılmıştır: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx ve Staten Island. Özgürlük heykeli, Empire State Binası, Central Park ve Times Meydanı, Modern Sanat Müzesi, Guggenheim Müzesi ve Modern Tarih Müzeleri şehrin ilgi çekici mekanlarıdır. Gökdelenleri, caddeleri, lokantaları, alışveriş merkezleri ve insanlarıyla, New York turistleri cezbetmektedir

Vip Tours

By Land Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla quis nunc eget leo ultrices malesuada. Proin cursus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla quis nunc eget leo ultrices malesuada. Proin cursus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce consectetuer viverra lacus. Nullam magna purus, accumsan vulputate, vehicula eu, mollis ac, est. Vestibulum facilisis dolor nec ipsum. Nulla felis metus, malesuada eu, sodales vel, sagittis eget, ligula. Donec risus. Sed feugiat molestie dolor. Aliquam nunc. Donec risus ante, adipiscing eu, imperdiet viverra, vulputate vitae, neque. Duis consequat lectus eu ante pellentesque rutrum. Donec vitae tellus. Praesent gravida felis eu orci. Cras nec wisi. Donec fringilla.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla quis nunc eget leo ultrices malesuada. Proin cursus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nulla quis nunc eget leo ultrices malesuada. Proin cursus. Nulla facilisi. Fusce consectetuer viverra lacus. Nullam magna purus, accumsan vulputate, vehicula eu, mollis ac, est. Vestibulum facilisis dolor nec ipsum. Nulla felis metus, malesuada eu, sodales vel, sagittis eget, ligula. Donec risus. Sed feugiat molestie dolor. Aliquam nunc. Donec risus ante, adipiscing eu, imperdiet viverra, vulputate vitae, neque. Duis consequat lectus eu ante pellentesque rutrum. Donec vitae tellus. Praesent gravida felis eu orci. Cras nec wisi. Donec fringilla.

Balloon Tours

BirthdayIn addition to a wonderful continental champagne brunch after your flight, your birthday will also be celebrated with a Happy Birthday Certificate/Banner signed by pilot and crew and a birthday cake. To top off your special celebration, everyone will join in to sing Happy Birthday.AnniversaryIn addition to a wonderful continental champagne brunch after your flight, your anniversary will also be celebrated with a Happy Anniversary Certificate/Banner signed by pilot and crew and a bottle of champagne or cider to commemorate your special day.WeddingWhat better way to start your life together than being married in a hot air balloon! You can make the event as casual or as elegant as your heart desires. Plan it as an intimate affair with a ride for the two of you and your ceremonial host or bring an entire wedding party! It will be a day you will truly remember the rest of your lives.AnniversaryIn addition to a wonderful continental champagne brunch after your flight, your anniversary will also be celebrated with a Happy Anniversary Certificate/Banner signed by pilot and crew and a bottle of champagne or cider to commemorate your special day.WeddingWhat better way to start your life together than being married in a hot air balloon! You can make the event as casual or as elegant as your heart desires. Plan it as an intimate affair with a ride for the two of you and your ceremonial host or bring an entire wedding party! It will be a day you will truly remember the rest of your lives.

Holiday Express

Crown American Hotels' 100% Satisfaction Guarantee:“We pledge that your stay will be comfortablein friendly, clean surroundings. If any partof your stay does not meet with yourexpectations, give us a chance to correct it.If you’re not satisfied, you don’t pay for that part of your stay.”Crown American Hotels' Mission Statement: "We strive to exceed the expectations of ourguests in a home away from home environment."Corporate CultureEmployee BenefitsEmployment OpportunitiesResume SubmissionEEOC StatementAt Crown American Hotels, our company is only as good as our people.Innovative, talented and committed individuals have worked hard during the past 40 years to build Crown American Hotels into one of the mid-Atlantic's top hotel management and development corporations.Working here is all about exceeding the expectations of our guests -- a philosophy which has earned us an outstanding reputation nationwide.We're always looking for top talent -- smart people who are energized, innovative, flexible in their thinking and ready to realize their potential in a company positioned for success. Our employees operate with a common set of values -- a code of ethics, that distinguishes us and provides a secure, productive and pleasant place to work.Ultimately, our strong corporate reputation -- the positive perception of our hotel franchises, our values and our financial performance -- comes from our people.Isn't it time for you to join our winning team?DowntownAddress: PA Route 56 to Downtown250 Market Street, Johnstown, PA 15901 USAPhone: 814.535.7777 Fax: 814.539.1393Reservations: 800.433.5663http://www.johnstown-dwtn.holiday-inn.com/159 guest rooms & suites feature an in–room coffee maker, hair dryer, iron / board. Indoor pool, fitness room, whirlpool / sauna and Harrigan's Cafe & Wine Deck.Address: 1440 Scalp Avenue, Johnstown, PA 15904 USAPhone: 814.266.8789 Fax: 814.266.5285Reservations: 800.822.9194http://www.johnstownpa.hiexpress.com/108 guest rooms & suites feature an in–room coffee maker, hair dryer, iron/ board. Complimentary Express Start Breakfast Bar, free local phone calls and bus parking.DowntownAddress: Holiday Inn: 250 Market Street, Johnstown, PA 15901 USAPhone: 814.361.2620 Fax: 814.539.1393Reservations: 814.361.2620http://www.harriganscafewinedeck.com/The region's best for food and wine featuring gourmet fare in an elegant yet relaxed atmosphere. Wine Spectator Award of Excellence, 100+ wine selections featuring 30 wines by the glass, complimentary parking, live weekend entertainment, Wine Deck, and comfortable lounge featuring a Tapas menu.DowntownAddress: 301 Napoleon Street, Johnstown, PA 15901 USAPhone: 814.535.9385 Fax: 814.248.3042Reservations: 866.277.5573http://www.fjpconferencecenter.com/ State–of–the–art facility featuring 14,895 sq. ft. for up to 850 • Menu Guide Available • Audio–Visual Equipment Available • 60 miles southeast of Pittsburgh • 140 miles west of HarrisburgAs a leader in the hospitality business for over forty years, Crown American Hotels is proud of our continued dedication and commitment to Johnstown. Crown American Hotels manages Harrigan's Café & Wine Deck, the Holiday Inn – Downtown Johnstown and the Holiday Inn Express on Scalp Avenue; both of which are franchised through agreements with Inter-Continental Hotels. Crown American Hotels also manages the Frank J. Pasquerilla Conference Center in Downtown Johnstown.Our MissionWe strive to be the best hospitality value in the communities we serve. We accommodate our guests in friendly, clean and secure "home away from home" surroundings. We are driven to excellence by exceeding the expectations of our guests.

Australia Luxury Business Hotel

Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum2220 N. Terrace Ave.Milwaukee, WI 53202(414) 271-3656Fax: (414) 271-3986About the VillaThis Italian Renaissance-style villa, designed and built by architect David Adler in 1923, was originally the residence of Lloyd Smith of the A.O. Smith Corporation and his family. The Villa Terrace features fine and decorative arts dating from the 15th to the 18th centuries, wrought-iron masterpieces by Cyril Colnik and a formal Garden. Mission StatementThe mission of Charles Allis Art Museum and Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum is to fully utilize both historic house Museums, gardens and their art collections for education and community enrichment. As part of the Milwaukee County War Memorial Corporation, the Museums honor the war dead by serving as "living memorials."A venue where public groups gather for music, lectures or evening events


Berlin, Almanya'nın başkenti ve en büyük şehridir. II.Dünya Savaşı öncesinde 4.3 milyon kişinin yaşadığı şehirde 2005 itibariyla 3.4 milyon kişi yaşamaktadır. Berlin, kuzey Almanya'da, Spree ve Havel nehirlerinin arasındaki kumluk bölgeye kuruludur. 1949'dan 1990'a kadar Doğu ve Batı Berlin olarak ikiye ayrılmıştı. Aradaki duvara da sonradan utanç duvarı denmiştir. Kasım 1989'da utanç duvarı yıkıldıktan sonra Berlin tekrar bir bütün olmuştur. Şimdi, Almanya'nın yeni başkenti insanlarının ve şehrin yaralarını sarıyor. 750 yıllık Berlin "geriye doğru ileri" gitmeye çalışıyor.Berlin'in doğu tarafında yoğun bir restorasyon yaşanıyor ve kenti ikiye bölen Spree Nehri, sakin ve berrak akıyor. Berlin bu nehrin iki kıyısında, Cölln ve Berlin adlı iki balıkçı köyü olarak bölünmüş bir haldeydi zaten. İlk kez 1307 yılında birleşti. Brandenburg'un (sonra Prusya'nın) başkentiydi. 18. yüzyıla kadar o kadar mühim bir şehir değildi. Ancak Prusya'nın güçlenmesi sürecinde kuzey Almanya, sonra Avrupa'nn bir siyasi, iktisadi ve kültürel merkezi oldu. 1871 yılında Alman İmaparatorluğu'na bağlandı, Hitler zamanında harabeye döndü, müttefik devletler tarafından işgal edildi.İkinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra Sosyalist bölümü Doğu Berlin oldu. Kentin imparatorluk merkezi Mitte'de doğuda kaldı. Berlin'i inşa eden mimar Karl Friederich Schinkel'in tasarladığı binalar, büyükelçilikler, saraylar, müzeler hep o tarafta kaldı. Türkiye'den çalınan Bergama Sunağı'nın sergilendiği dünyanın en önemli müzelerinden biri olan Bergama Müzesi, Cölln ile Berlin'i birleştiren anlaşmanın yapıldığı St. Nicholas Kilisesi de Doğu Berlin'de kaldı. Kent tekrar birleştiğinde Berlin her şeyin çiftine sahip oldu. İki parlamento binası, iki büyük üniversite, iki büyük havaalanı, iki kent merkezi ve iki Mısır müzesi... Müzeler Adası, Kültür Forumu ve Dahlem'deki müze ve koleksiyonlar dünya çapında önem taşıyor. Berlin, sanat alanında da dünyanın en önemli şehirleri arasında. Üç opera, Filarmoni, birçok tiyatro, konser salonu ve kütüphanenin yanı sıra; Berlin Film Festivali, festival haftaları ve tiyatro günleri, tüm sanatseverleri Berlin'e çekiyor.Türkler Berlin'deki en kalabalık yabancı nüfusunu oluştururlar. Berlin'de 119.000 Türk vardır. Kreuzberg İlçesi Türklerin en yoğun olarak yerleşik olduğu bölgelerdendir. Kreuzberg'in toplam nüfusu 146.884 kişidir ve bunun 49.010'u yabancıdır. Yabancı sayısı Alman vatandaşı Türkleri kapsamadığından, Kreuzberg'deki Türk sayısı oldukça fazladır.Kültür Berlin Almanya'nın sadece politik başkenti değil, aynı zamanda da kültür başkentidir. Berlin'de birçok müze bulunmaktadır. Özellikle kentin doğusunda yeralan Müzeler Adası (Museumsinsel) içinde Pergamon Müzesi'de dahil, birçok müzeyi barındırmaktadır. Ayrıca kentte çok sayıda sanat galerileri, tiyatrolar vs. vardır. Başlıca müzeleri ve turistik yerleri:Berliner Fernsehturm ;televizyon kulesiPergamon Museum ; Bergama Arkeoloji Müzesi (Ünlü Bergama tapınağı burdadır.)Guggenheim BerlinAlte Nationalgalerie ;Eski Ulusal Müze (sanat müzesi)BodemuseumSchloss Bellevue ;Bellevue SarayıSiegessäule ; Zafer SütunuKaiser Wilhelm's Gedächtniskirche ;savaşta zarar görmüş AnıtkiliseJudisches Museum ;yahudi müzesiFunkturm ;radyo kulesiAquadom & Sea Life Centre ;akvaryum ve deniz müzesiMuseum für Kommunikation ;iletişim müzesiBrandenburger Tor ;Brandenburg KapısıReichstag\Bundestag ;İmparatorluk Binası / Federal MeclisGendermenmarkt ;Jandarmalar MeydanıCheckpoint Charlie Mauer Museum ;Berlin duvarı ile ilgili tarih müzesiBerliner Dom ;Berlin KatedraliEast-Side-Gallery ; Barış AnıtıHolocaust-Mahnmal ; Holocaust AnıtıKaDeWe(Kaufhaus des Westens); alışveriş merkeziDeutsches Technikmuseum ; Alman Teknoloji MüzesiSchloss Charlottenburg ;Charlotenburg SarayıBerliner Rathaus (1991'dan önce Rotes Rathaus) ;belediye sarayıBundeskanzleramt ; BaşbakanlıkMuseum für Naturkunde ; Doğa Bilimleri MüzesiFilmmuseum Berlin ;Film ve sinema tarihi ile ilgili müzeNeue Synagoge Berlin ;Yeni Sinagog (Almanya'nın en büyük sinagoğudur)Tiergarten ;kentin en büyük parkı ve mesire yeri


The State of Hawaii (IPA: /həˈwaɪi, həˈwaɪʔi/) (Hawaiian: Mokuʻāina o Hawaiʻi), is an archipelagic U.S. state located in the Central Pacific, south of Alaska, north of Tahiti, and 2,300 miles (3,700 km) from the Continental United States.[2] Politically, Hawaii is considered to be a part of the North American continent.The state encompasses nearly the entirety of the volcanic Hawaiian Island chain, which is made up of hundreds of islands spread over 1,500 miles (2,400 km). Of these, the eight largest islands are considered the "main islands" and are located at the southeastern end of the archipelago. In order from the northwest to southeast, they are Niʻihau, Kauaʻi, Oʻahu, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi, Kahoʻolawe, Maui, and Hawaiʻi. The last is by far the largest, and is very often called the "Big Island" or "Big Isle" to avoid confusion with the state.The state was admitted to the Union on August 21, 1959, making it the 50th state. Its capital is located in its only city, Honolulu on the island of Oʻahu. The most recent census puts the state's population at 1,211,537.In American English, Hawaii is pronounced in varying approximations to the original. From most to least anglicized, there is IPA: /həˈwaɪiː/, /həˈwaɪʔiː/, /həˈvaɪʔiː/). In the Hawaiian language, /həˈʋəiʔi/, there is also some variation, as Hawaiian IPA /ʋ/ varies from [v] to [w].The State of Hawaii has two official languages recognized in its constitution adopted at the 1978 constitutional convention: English and Hawaiian. Article XV, Section 4, specifies that "Hawaiian shall be required for public acts and transactions only as provided by law" [italic added]. Hawaii Creole English (locally referred to as 'Pidgin') is the native dialect of many born-and-raised residents and is a second dialect for many other residents. After English, the second- and third-most spoken individual languages are Ilokano (most are bilingual in Wikang Filipino) and Japanese, respectively. Significant European immigrants and descendants also speak their native languages; the most numerous are Spanish, German, Portuguese and French.As of the 2000 U.S. Census, 73.44% of Hawaii residents age 5 and older speak only English at home. Tagalog speakers make up 5.37% (which includes non-native speakers of Wikang Filipino, the national co-official Tagalog-based language), followed by Japanese at 4.96%, Ilokano at 4.05%, Chinese at 1.92%, Hawaiian at 1.68%, Spanish at 1.66%, Korean at 1.61%, and Samoan at 1.01%[23].